The original post: /r/gaming by /u/Jirezagoss on 2024-09-18 08:08:02.

Game was in early phase since 2019, for 5 years Coffee Stain LISTENED and improved the game based on community feedbacks. I played this game in 2019 when it came out and it was good already, obviously it needed balancing and improvements so the devs actually ACTIVELY listened us and improved the game over the years and they always were transparent about what they were doing. Now 1.0 version is out and it’s blast, I’m having a lot of fun and the game feels so good to play, no clunky perfomance, stable fps all the time. I wish other game companies do the same, listen to the community so they can release good games again instead of rushing everything for short term profit projects… And remember, you buy the game once and you have full content, no mtx, pay to rush stuff. Props to Coffee Stain Studios, they deserve all the success.