The original post: /r/aliens by /u/RandomGuy2002 on 2024-09-18 06:23:35.

I, like many of us here, have always wanted to meet benevolent aliens. And, it made me think, if I want to meet benevolent aliens, wouldn’t aliens also want to meet benevolent humans?

What does it mean to be a benevolent human?

Being a benevolent human is simple, it is completely avoiding harm of living creatures and beings. This means to completely avoid intentionally killing roaches, spiders, mosquitoes, etc., by taking them outside and releasing them instead of killing them. It is a spiritual journey in realizing that all is the self, and by harming animals, you harm the self.

This second part is a bit controversial and might get some angry people in the comments. Another important part of being a benevolent human is to stop eating animals. I’m not going to sit here and lecture you on why you should all stop eating meat blah blah blah because even I struggle with switching to a complete vegan diet just because of the convenience that comes with eating meat, especially when living in a household of meat eaters.

However, switching to a plant-based diet is an important step in becoming a benevolent being. Furthermore, plant-based diets can have many psychological benefits, like lowering the risk of depression, improving mood, lessening tension, anger, and fatigue, as well as improving emotional well-being and productivity.

Other factors, which are quite obvious but worth mentioning, are embodying virtuous traits, like compassion, self-control, kindness, and selflessness. These can be developed right now and don’t require anything to start. While compassion, kindness, and selflessness are obvious, I would like to address the not so obvious one. Self-control. A benevolent human guards his heart, or at least tries his best to, from lust and sexual desires of other human beings. I’m not saying that you cannot have sexual relations with other people, I’m simply saying you cannot have immoral sexual relations with other people. He also tries to control his sexual urges, stopping himself from doing things like masturbation and porn consumption. Things like hooking up, one-night stands, and lying to get what you want are some examples of sexual immorality. This will be seen as a controversial take because people enjoy sexual activities, but from a truth and factual standpoint, it is lustful desires that cause people to seek out these situations. They do not arise from a place of love. If your hookup stems from a place of love, then, by all means, go ahead. “Lust” is a normal part of human sexuality and can coexist with love in a healthy relationship. However, it’s important to balance lust with emotional intimacy and mutual respect.

Another important factor in being a benevolent being is telling the truth. And that means exactly what you think it means, no lying. A benevolent human does not lie, and tells the truth at all times. Furthermore, lying can have negative psychological consequences, including damaging your self-esteem and relationships, and increasing anxiety and depression.

One final major factor in being a benevolent human is having love for all people, things, and situations. Or, at least trying your best to do so.

Good luck in your journey to become a benevolent alien, you are the alien that a small intelligent species that pops up in the middle of nowhere will desire to meet one day in the distant future!