The original post: /r/piracy by /u/_chaos_007 on 2024-09-16 02:59:41.

My close friend was always an Android user but switched because all his coworkers have iPhones and he didn’t want to stand out. He used to use the good old vanced and other such apps based on my recommendations to avoid ads but now there’s ads everywhere for him. He asked me to help out but I really don’t know anything. I looked up and realised firefox doesn’t even support addons on ios. I changed his DNS to adguard but that’s about it.

Normally I recommend things that I use and find useful/easy to use for an average person but since I don’t own anything ios I can’t sample any apps or recommend websites based on my user experience so I am completely relying on you guys to suggest me the best ways to sail the seas and avoid ads on ios.

P.S - I tried the Megathread but all of it’s for android mostly so please help and just drop a link if I missed anything.