The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/Moguno on 2024-08-25 18:08:23.

I can’t be alone in having noticed increasingly more CAPTCHAs and services blocking access in the recent year. I’ve been using M since about 2016 and I don’t know if it’s due to AI or something in recent years, but a lot of websites have become almost unusable.

I understand Google is a horrible company and should be avoided at all costs. But they are everywhere on the web. I don’t use Google Search much these days or any of their services, other than YouTube. But even on YouTube I’ve started getting CAPTCHAs just by loading the website. I’ve never had that issue before! Just now, I literally just typed in the YouTube website URL and had to make a CAPTCHA.

And not only that, I have to keep solving them for 2-3 minutes these days. Even though I get them all correct, it keeps bullying me and force-feeds me with more CAPTCHAs. And the problem is that a lot of websites implement the reCAPTCHA service on their website, making it incredibly frustrating.

On top of that, I’ve seen an increase in number of websites straight up blocking M from accessing it. Even Reddit now requires me to sign in. It started a few months ago and back then I could just switch server. But now pretty much every M server in Europe requires me to sign in to Reddit to use it. I mainly just browse without signing in. I never post (except this time).

I only use servers Owned by M, and in Europe. But ever since about 1.5 to 2 years ago it’s been getting more frustrating using it. The worst thing is the damn CAPTCHAs. I don’t know how many I had to solve in the last year and I feel like this is law suit territory. Every CAPTCHA that is solved improves Google Maps and their AI. It’s basically free labor for them. But no person should have to solve 20+ CAPTCHA in a row. I’m not kidding. For the most part it’s around 10, but sometimes 20-30. And especially the slow ones that keep fading images for 7 seconds. I’m wasting time.

The issue is all the websites using reCAPTCHA and Google services on their website. But they are normies and they will never ever change. So what the f am I supposed to do now? Is there any way to just bypass reCAPTCHA without any hassle. I just want to browse the web, read an article or watch a video sometimes.

I will be shocked if anyone even sees this post. I keep getting the red banner on Reddit (“We have encountered an error”) and we all know what that means (shadowban).

Using: Debian 12, M Browser (not a single change, just straight out the box) and a M-owned server in Europe.