The original post: /r/privacy by /u/neel1011 on 2024-08-16 03:48:41.

Hi, I am currently waiting in the gate of a connecting flight in Doha on my way to Philadelphia. As I was checking in to this gate, they kindly asked me to remove my laptop (as usual) however once it passed through the scanner they went over it with a probe of some sort and then plugged that probe into a device after which they gave me my laptop. The did this with all laptops, iPads and things of that nature (except phones.)

When I asked, what is this scan for I was met with the response “security reasons and confidential.” Tbh I’m not one who rly takes privacy extremely seriously but I really felt like I had a right to know in this case. They’re going over my laptop with some weird as device and plugging that device into a monitor to check for something??? Should I not have a right to know.