The original post: /r/ubuntu by /u/SnooMacarons467 on 2024-06-30 03:25:23.

Whats going on with these? I have just installed a fresh copy of Ubuntu 24.04 and it has no repositories in it.

I do a sudo apt update and it fails because my sources.list file is empty, and so is my sources.list.d folder.

All of my googling leads me to the same place “yeah bro, they changed the way it works, if you updated from 22.04 it should be fine”

Well, I didnt, I did a fresh install of it, but there is literally no information that I can find to help me fix it. I can uninstall and roll back to 22.04 but tbh, after you have installed about 50 different OS’s you kinda get tired of it.

Basically… is there ANYWHERE i can go, to download a copy of the default sources.list or sources.list.d folder to be able to connect to the official ubuntu repositories???

This has happened to me a couple of times on 22.04 and it was always easily solved by a quick google, and then cut and paste into the sources.list file… why is there nothing around like that for 24.04?

I will be eternally grateful to anyone who can just point me into the correct direction to get the default ubuntu repos for 24.04…