The original post: /r/amitheasshole by /u/National-Data-2222 on 2024-06-29 18:21:13.

Basically my ‘friend’ has an ex and all of a sudden he cut me off after GCSEs , didn’t know why until I realised later because I had signed her shirt for leavers day. I didn’t think much of it as she and her friend came up to me first and I just did it out of not being rude. Also, she did sign other of my friends s shirts as well and he cut them off too. First off I feel that is just petty as he didn’t tell us much about how we should stay away from her. Fast forward to prom, I wasn’t aware why he cut me off and his ex wanted to dance with me , so I was like in my mind ‘well if you cut me off for no reason, then I’ll give u a reason’ so I danced.

I feel it’s not as if I wanted to dance with his ex for revenge or anything , it’s more I thought if he don’t wanna be friends with me anymore then why not.