The original post: /r/amitheasshole by /u/Comfortable_Gur5269 on 2024-06-29 17:54:01.

So to begin we are pride with his brother. We rented a car, half through the ride he pressured me to give up the front seat so his brother could be more comfortable. I have chronic pain and he knows this. I explained later that day the front seat gives my back support for my disability. He said okay they would switch but didn’t actually.

The whole way there they’d actively start conversations over mine. One topic was my Aunt who passed away. The brother would only discuss topics that were AB and my bf did nothing to bring me into the conversation. So I just went quiet, I wanted to see how long before he’d notice.

Not once, when we got to the hotel, they wanted to be touchy before the sibling came in. I totally feeling rejected was not in the mood. They keep pushing so I explained how that drive made me feel. They said that wasn’t their intention.

The next day they are doing the same thing. To a point where it looks like they are dating their sibling more than who they are dating. They finally asked me what I wanted to do, I agreed but then when the siblings said they didn’t. They decided to go to what their sibling wanted. Keep in mind this sibling was invited to our couple’s getaway. They are only paying for their meals.

We head back to this strip mall. I ask where the location is. Keep in mind this whole time outside, he hasn’t talked to me. Expect to give more directions. He says it’s at the end of the strip, they start walking slower than me. They took a turn I didn’t see and left me. Turns out they made it all the way to the car without thinking to wait for me.

So I’ve decided I’m mentally traveling alone and have stopped trying to force my way into his thoughts. Am I that asshole?

Edit: forgot to add the car we rented is legally in my parent’s name. Didn’t even realize that till my mother wondered why her kid was in the back of the car in the video I took when we got there.