The original post: /r/amitheasshole by /u/Fun-Set4664 on 2024-06-11 00:38:39.
My wife has known from the start that I am not religious and never have been. Our daughter(3) has seen on shows she watches people praying and asked me to pray I said no thank you. After the fact my wife says is this going to be an issue because I am confusing her. I have never said anything bad or against what my wife believes in, I just feel that I wouldn’t be true to myself if I faked it AITA or should I pretend for my daughter
INFO i came from a house hold of choice and I wish to pass that on I don’t feel right pushing anything other than good morals onto a child
And being true to myself meaning more of if I were to fake pray wouldn’t that be making a mockery of what people truly believe in that also doesn’t feel right to me
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