The original post: /r/techsupport by /u/Adventurous-Dot-4783 on 2024-06-03 17:35:11.
Sooo, I got an odd email telling me my order is almost ready but I do not recognize the name, it doesn’t have any business listed, but it does have a pdf. Now, I know what you’re thinking, but I use this email to work with small businesses and handle my own small business through it. So it wasn’t all that unusual for me to find an email about an order, I just thought it was an oversight to include things but it did seem suspicious.
So I clicked the PDF, but I viewed it through the gmail previewer. I did not directly download it. Of course, it was completely and totally a scam with a huge sum that was going to charge in 24 hours and a phone number at the bottom. Of all things, they chose “McAfee”. My personal impression was they wanted me to call to try and hook me in.
Just in case, I look it up to find out PDFs can have viruses. How worried should I be about a virus if I did not download it? Or did it download to temp files or something? I’m not sure where my panic level should be right now LOL