The original post: /r/ohnoconsequences by /u/Alarmed_Tea_1710 on 2024-06-01 00:29:09.

Does not hand in assignments. Does not talk in class/participate in discussions. Goes home early every day. Asks to do assignments weeks/months past the due date. Hands in subpar work when the assignments are submitted, months late, after begging to do them to fix a mark. Will not participate in gym. Won’t work in groups. Puts headphones in the moment any confrontation is happening (between him and someone, me and him, two totally random students). When sent to office repeatedly LEAVES THE SCHOOL so no longer an option. Student then asks me to write a referral to be considered for the gifted program at the high school he is attending. I had to try so hard not to laugh. His mom claims he was assessed as gifted as a toddler. I cannot believe that at all. He has not once shown me he’s anything more than average in any work he does. I filled it in. Didn’t lie. Gave his averages and grades.

Student doesn’t get accepted (shocking) and is now blaming me. Going as far as to have numerous toddler like meltdowns and having to be sent home because he’s inconsolable. Because I “ruined his whole life”….

I forgot to add, I thought something was maybe going on in his home life earlier in the year and did talk to his previous teachers that were still in our building. Both said that he actually used to be worse. But both also said that mom played the gifted card on them. There is no paperwork provided to the school that specifies he is actually gifted in any way. But there does not seem to be any red flags of anything at home, just that they genuinely think he is gifted. I also forgot to add when we go to gym he has tried on numerous occasions to hide in a cupboard. Like a toddler, again.