The original post: /r/movies by /u/Kynokephaloi on 2024-05-23 02:04:59.

Was chatting with a friend about the new Jurassic Park movie that will be featuring Rupert Friend. He said that Jurassic Park, the original, was a movie that when he first watched it, he had hoped there would be no sequels to it. It was so perfect, he said, and now it’s become a joke, with never-ending sequels.

I kind of had the opposite reaction when I saw the first movie, hoping to get more. Except what I wanted to happen was have Spielberg direct them. And he did direct the second one but unfortunately it was not as good as the first, not even close. Since then we’d have a bunch of directors (Colin Trevorrow, Joe Johnston, Juan Bayona) try it but again, nothing has matched the first. And don’t say it’s impossible. I mean think Terminator 2. Or Aliens as a sequel to Alien. Sure, you can find fault with them but I think they were excellent sequels overall.

My question is, have there been movies you did not want to see a sequel to, not because they sucked but because they were so good you feared sequels would ruin it?