The person on the left is carrying bags, the one in orange is a delivery driver and a couple of people are wearing backpacks. Aside from car brained, Damaris is also blind.
The person on the left is carrying bags, the one in orange is a delivery driver and a couple of people are wearing backpacks. Aside from car brained, Damaris is also blind.
You can’t just dictate what you believe roads should be for and think everyone should agree with it as fact. Roads are for a lot of things, and even in this guy’s narrow definition, people are goods, in fact they are the most important and valuable goods on the roads.
Yeah, and I mean, even most car traffic doesn’t fit into this ridiculous definition. People take their car to just do recreational stuff all the time.
I mean, holy fuck, how else would you get there than via streets in some fashion? Take the helicopter from your roof?