New development policy: code generated by a large language model or similar technology (e.g. ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot) is presumed to be tainted (i.e. of unclear copyright, not fitting NetBSD’s licensing goals) and cannot be committed to NetBSD.

  • Elias Griffin
    9 months ago

    So proud of you NetBSD, this is why I sponsor you, slam dunk for the future. I’m working on a NetBSD hardening script and Rice as we speak, great OS with some fantastically valuable niche applications and I think, a new broad approach I’m cooking up, a University Edition. I did hardening for all the other BSD, I saved the best for last!

    [EDIT 5/16/2024 15:04 GMT -7] NetBSD got Odin lang support yesterday. That totally seals the NetBSD deal for me if I can come up with something cool for my workstation with Odin.

    If you would like to vote on whether, or by what year, AI will be in the Linux Kernel on