Reddit, AI spam bots explore new ways to show ads in your feed

#For sale: Ads that look like legit Reddit user posts

“We highly recommend only mentioning the brand name of your product since mentioning links in posts makes the post more likely to be reported as spam and hidden. We find that humans don’t usually type out full URLs in natural conversation and plus, most Internet users are happy to do a quick Google Search,” ReplyGuy’s website reads.

  • @[email protected]
    1875 months ago

    I left in a huff when they jumped the shark and dropped 3party app support. I was a pretty heavy user / contributor and fully thought I might crawl back at some point. Turns out I’m doing fine without going back and the alternatives, while massively smaller, are so much less crappy feeling. I think a lot of people would feel the same way if we could just get them to try the green eggs and ham. I think it’s great that Kagi is starting to index Lemmy, but the one gateway to get people over here that might actually work would be if Google searches started turning up Lemmy content. I think that would grab some attention.

    • bean
      385 months ago

      Same! Also a Kagi subscriber. Hello! I thought Reddit might cave on the 3rd party thing for a while. Then they were doubling down and treated the developers of those apps like shit. I was a happy Apollo user, and I trusted what he said about how Reddit acted. I moved to Lemmy. It was confusing at the start but now I feel as at home here as I did in Reddit. If not more actually, since our user base is smaller, I feel like community is closer and has a little more tech know-how too. I do miss some fun Reddit things but I think Lemmy and the fediverse has a ton of potential and I want to be part of it ☺️

        • Optional
          35 months ago

          I don’t actually think that’s the case - my reading of that whole kerfuffle was that the blogger had overreacted.

        • @[email protected]
          15 months ago

          Really? Do you use this criteria for everything in your life? Show me a ceo that isn’t a maniac and I’ll show you someone that hasnt had a proper psychological screening. Lemmy has blown up the lore on this guy anyway. Not much evidence he’s any more of an asshole than most ceos.

      • @[email protected]
        55 months ago

        Agreed. I just bought a used Sony a7iii and the sonyalpha sub is a great place for knowledge.

        Granted eventually that stuff will filter off reddit… but in the mean time I’m only there on desktop with pihole and unlock origin.

        Once old.reddit dies I’ll never go back.

        Sent from my boost for Lemmy app.

        • @[email protected]
          15 months ago

          Once old.reddit dies I’ll never go back

          I’m the same way, but that’s because I find the text formatting, comment layout, and page framing to be almost completely unreadable without it.

          My ten year old monitor is at a nice 1980x1020 and when I view a post on base reddit, it crams the post into the middle of the screen, displays one or two comments below it, and then displays… other posts? Or something? It’s mind-boggling, difficult to sort out what’s what, and I can’t figure out who’s needs are being met with a layout like that.

          When I click on a post, I want to see the whole post, laid out across the majority of my screen real estate, and I want all of the comments visible beneath the post, with multiple comment sorting options.

          I just realized what I’m basically asking for is a forum layout.

          You know, that thing that worked for decades.

          I’m putting up with Lemmy even though I have a few minor gripes (mostly related to sorting and search) because the community is part of what’s important to me, but the main reason I stick around anywhere is the ability to read content I’m interested in. When the on page formatting of that content sucks, I quit reading it.

          I quit subscribing to newspaper websites (and ultimately quit visiting them for news entirely) when the on page advertising squeezed out the actual journalism. I could adblock, but the formatting is still a disaster and barely resembles a news article if you print it out and hold it up to a newspaper, so screw that noise.

          I’m sometimes willing to be okay with being “the product” when it’s my choice and I know what I’m trading for it and judge the value of what I’m getting in return to be acceptable.

          When I do that, though, and major changes I don’t like get made to what I’m “getting out of it” with no way for me to go back to what I did like, it’s a rug pull and a breach of trust.

          For all of the market analysis everyone is supposedly doing, you’d think at least ONE major player would figure out that noone likes it when their routine grinds to a screeching halt because someone decided to move the user interface around and now nobody can find anything.

      • Hello Hotel
        5 months ago

        Id do the same, but Im in a verry stupid situation, I dont have a reddit account and dont want to be advertising-group stalked due to being a sensitive subject.

        plus it was already half taken over by ads because the sex industry is bad, some of the subs are just filled with “this is a thing you can buy, look how sexy!”. I dont want what your selling, the way your selling it.

        on lemmy, the subreddit is dead, minus some guy trying to revive it. Like many others, its owner posted 5 posts, and… nobody kept the pace up. 🤕

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        Same here, but I still use 3rd party mobile app, because both the site (unless you use old.reddit) and the official mobile app are garbage.

      • prole
        15 months ago

        I still use my porn account, though it seems that I go to it less and less

      • RBG
        55 months ago

        Oh man, you just cannot tell anymore…

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      I was very similar, heavy Reddit user that quit over thr 3PA shitshow last year. Not sure if you’ve noticed the same effect, but my attention span has gone way up.

    • Lemminary
      45 months ago

      I think there was a post a while back where someone found Lemmy posts on search results. I think it’s still being drowned out by bigger platforms but it’s good to see it happening!

      • @[email protected]
        45 months ago

        They do show up in DDG occasionally but I was troubleshooting a jerboa problem. The results are there, they’re just buried deep.

    • @[email protected]
      45 months ago

      Just gonna suggest searxng as an alternative to kagi if you want something open-source, free, and still customizable.

      Most searxng instances also index lemmy.

    • @[email protected]
      25 months ago

      I’m unfortunately on Reddit regularly, but that’s only because it still has decent tech support search results. Haven’t logged in since the APIpocalypse

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      I still miss many of the nice communities though, Lemmy is fine, but it has less users in total than many of my niche communities. I still visit Reddit sometimes to find something out about my interests, although that might slow down if bots really take over Reddit

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      I still visit smaller subreddits when looking up technical fixes (like unraid) but I no longer post and got rid of all my old posts.

      Hopefully as Lemmy grows, I can leave that shithole for good.