• @[email protected]
    03 months ago

    How is it sexist? Samantha Carter is one if the great depictions of women in sci fi.

    Also I don’t remember any homophobia. The topic of sex or orientation was rarely brought up on the show. In the 19 seasons and 3 movies of the franchise there is exactly one sex scene, and fans were upset that the show did it at all.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      There are a shitload of scenes where people are hitting on Samantha Carter in a professional work setting or treating her poorly because of her sex. They treat women like shit and it’s overly sexualized for a work setting. All of the skimpy shit they make Vala wear, they don’t show O’Neill or Cameron with their arms out being all flirty. The episode they go back in time and alternate O’Neill insinuates Daniel is gay but they can’t even acknowledge that gay people exist.

      • @[email protected]
        03 months ago

        I’ll agree on the Vala stuff, and I never liked that character.

        Outside of that, I think you are definitely picking and choosing what you are paying attention to to support your agenda. O’Neill 100% flirts with Carter, and both Teal’c and Jackson get the muscles out plenty of times. Jackson is naked showing off the gymwork several times. Any time where women are treated like crap is pro-feminism because the women successfully stand up for themselves. This is the show that began with Carter dressing down a room full of Airmen for being sexist, and several times over the course of the show male characters stand up for female characters or give them the room to perform as equals. The main sexual content in the franchise is in SGU, which includes gay relationships.