Oh how unfair. He busts his ass running 3 companies, running one more company into the ground, running around Trump’s club annoying everyone, arguing with everyone on twitter, attending major events, and he has enough free time left over to gain top 10 skills in multiple video games?
No. He does not. Is he cheating or just lying about everything?
I’m good friends with someone who worked at SpaceX. It’s sort of an open secret that Elon has an entire team of people designated specifically to keeping him away from the engineers. Their entire job is to run interference and keep him distracted, so he can’t go marching into the engineers’ areas and ruin all of their work. Because apparently they have learned that if he is given free reign, he’ll tell the engineers to do a bunch of impossible shit, fire them all when they say they can’t, and then the management is left scrambling to hire new engineers.
I dont know about path of exiles, but he exploited a bug that was going around to get that Diablo spot.
Given that in diablo it was a bug, I think thats fair game. But with path of exiles if he’s cheating as in using hacks or whatever, thats hilarious and fucked and he dserves the ban lol.
Oh how unfair. He busts his ass running 3 companies, running one more company into the ground, running around Trump’s club annoying everyone, arguing with everyone on twitter, attending major events, and he has enough free time left over to gain top 10 skills in multiple video games?
No. He does not. Is he cheating or just lying about everything?
First one, then t’other.
My boss still believes he plays a major role in designing the rockets at Space-X. Surprisingly, my boss apparently isn’t a child.
I’m good friends with someone who worked at SpaceX. It’s sort of an open secret that Elon has an entire team of people designated specifically to keeping him away from the engineers. Their entire job is to run interference and keep him distracted, so he can’t go marching into the engineers’ areas and ruin all of their work. Because apparently they have learned that if he is given free reign, he’ll tell the engineers to do a bunch of impossible shit, fire them all when they say they can’t, and then the management is left scrambling to hire new engineers.
Which is a fun coincidence cos that’s not dissimilar to how my boss “runs” our department lol
That’s quite funny but also very sad.
My only reference is an old reddit thread from someone who claimed to work there, but it exactly corroborates this.
It would seem cheating
I dont know about path of exiles, but he exploited a bug that was going around to get that Diablo spot.
Given that in diablo it was a bug, I think thats fair game. But with path of exiles if he’s cheating as in using hacks or whatever, thats hilarious and fucked and he dserves the ban lol.
You mean the person he paid
GGG doesn’t fuck around, he was cheating for sure.