Also a guy and never really thought about it. It’s not like I ever had multiple options to choose between. Just have to take whatever comes with the few women that have been interested in fucking me.
There isn’t so much an ideal size that everyone should aspire to, rather you should find someone that fits you. It’s best when the sheath fits the sword.
As a guy, I’ll take a crack at this…
Make sure it can stretch as needed without injury, but can also grip, push, and pull.
Also do something to reduce/eliminate UTI’s, that sucks for everyone.
Everyone always fantasizes about dick size … but what about vagina size … is there an optimum or ‘perfect’ size for that?
I’m a guy btw and also … I can’t believe I just asked that question :(
3" deep when resting 5" when aroused with a diameter of 1cm and an elasticicity quotient of 1.33, repeating of course.
Damn, keep the scientific researches rollin’!
Damn that study figured out the measurements of so many people. Legit.
Such a beautiful study … it brought a tear to me eye
Also a guy and never really thought about it. It’s not like I ever had multiple options to choose between. Just have to take whatever comes with the few women that have been interested in fucking me.
There isn’t so much an ideal size that everyone should aspire to, rather you should find someone that fits you. It’s best when the sheath fits the sword.
My ‘sheath’ would appreciate that and so do I … unfortunately, she would also likely bludgeon me with a sword if she saw this conversation.
Everyone knows that the “sex appeal” slider in character creation is for dick size in men and boob size in women.
Needs more ass sliders for both. I need that cake. Looking at you FFXIV. Byregot can’t hog it all.
Use penumbra mods for that cake.
As a guy, I’ll take a crack at this… Make sure it can stretch as needed without injury, but can also grip, push, and pull. Also do something to reduce/eliminate UTI’s, that sucks for everyone.