• The Bard in Green
    06 months ago

    It’s a shitty choice between

    “Business as usual center right Joe Stability Biden, representing rich old business people with a smile and a grandfatherly handshake” and

    “My followers LITERALLY want Hand Maids Tale style Christian Fascism in this country and they have a plan to do it and that’s fine with me as long as I get to win and avoid criminal prosecution, also I’m a wannabe Russian mobster! Donald Trump”

    So yes, DO make sure to get out and vote against a piece of shit this November.

    • Melkath
      06 months ago

      I love how dumdums are making genocide center right and stable.

      And making it acceptable for both of the whole 2 parties to be right wing.

      • The Bard in Green
        06 months ago

        And Trump wouldn’t be supporting the genocide a million times worse?

        Hate him, he deserves it. It’s a terrible situation, but it will become even more terrible if it turns into a Republican victory, and some of that responsibility is in fact on the heads of people too angry to do what needs to be done.

        • chalk46
          06 months ago

          FFS people, they’re just Arab
          nobody is trying to kill all the Arabs

          • The Bard in Green
            6 months ago

            The American electoral system just doesn’t work that way. That is a steaming shit sandwich, but… sitting out the election or voting 3rd party because you’re pissed (rightfully so) is like headbutting a goat. It hurts you more than it hurts the goat and the goat doesn’t care or change it’s behavior. The goat in this case is 100% the collective body of American Democratic voters and the assholes who run the DNC. They will NOT care. They will learn all the wrong lessons. They are old and out of touch and they pull to the right every time they lose.

            • queermunist she/her
              06 months ago

              It works the other way around too! Voting is trying to drag the goat by her lead and she doesn’t care or change her behavior that way either.

              • The Bard in Green
                06 months ago

                Agreed. You can have a stubborn goat who won’t change or White Jesus with an AK-47 riding a dragon, leading a glorious army to put women and transpeople back in their place. It’s a STUPID choice, but there IS a right answer.

                • queermunist she/her
                  06 months ago

                  Or you can kill the goat.

                  Not that I’m advocating for anything - obviously we’re just talking about goats.

                  • The Bard in Green
                    06 months ago

                    Actually… great! Tell me how. Tell me your plan. Tell me your end game. Tell me what you plan to do about all the gleeful idiots who want to watch the goat die and then shoot you in the back while they pray to Trump and Jesus?

                    Again, also not advocating for anything. We ARE just talking about goats.

                  • bobburger
                    06 months ago

                    Lol good luck with that. Just organize a little harder and I’m sure you’ll do great.

              • @[email protected]
                06 months ago

                Every cycle the DNC moves 5 steps right, but they’re the lesser evil so they move 5 more steps right. Everyone keeps rewarding them for marching rightward than shocked Pikachu that they won’t do anything about anything.

                Of course nobody blames the dems for not listening, or even Republicans for yknow the christofascism - It’s always the lefts fault. Pay the lip service to Trump than it’s diatribe after diatribe about how leftists who get told to eat shit constantly for SOME REASON don’t like the mid right milquetoast genocider they put up.

              • The Bard in Green
                06 months ago

                No, I want you to vote AGAINST the insane vampires. Stop thinking of the US electoral system as something where you vote FOR somebody. We haven’t had an option that truely represented us in literal lifetimes. You have a button for bullshit as usual and you have a button for “FUCK WOMEN, FUCK TRANS PEOPLE, FUCK IMMIGRANTS, HAHAHAHAH JESUS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS BABY.” If you DON’T push the first button… that IS in fact a reality fail and LOTS of vulnerable people will suffer for the sake of your principals.

                • @[email protected]
                  06 months ago

                  Sweet. So join me and do the bare minimum, do not vote for genocide. It’s easy, there are 2 parties who love genocide, and lots of others who don’t. So pick one of the ones who doesn’t. It’s the least you can do.

                  • The Bard in Green
                    06 months ago

                    I call that “throw away the little power I have and get a participation trophy to help me sleep better at night” You do you, but I think we’re clear on what I think of your stance.

                  • The Bard in Green
                    06 months ago

                    Look… let’s be straight. Who is worse FOR ACTUAL VULNERABLE PEOPLE HERE AND ABROAD. Out of touch, arrogant and pro big business neo liberals or Trumpian Christofascist Republicans. If we’re comparing them to fantasy horror creatures… which one has more hit dice and is more destructive and aggressive?

                • Amerikan Pharaoh
                  6 months ago

                  How about: death to the settler empire, and worse to the settlers who think there’s something to save. If you ever wondered what you would do during the Holocaust, this is it, peckerwood! You are running interference for the genociders! You are a collaborator. I see nothing in you worth saving. NO IDENTITY IS SACRED COW ENOUGH TO JUSTIFY SULLYING IT IN COMPLICITY.

                • @[email protected]
                  06 months ago

                  LOTS of vulnerable people will suffer for the sake of your principals.

                  Save your crocodile tears.

        • @[email protected]
          06 months ago

          The number one thing I’ve noticed about this election cycle is that all dems can come up with, even mainstream sources, is “Yeah Biden does it but Trump will do it worse!”


          • Melkath
            06 months ago

            It’s okay that our party has completely imploded, is wholesale ignoring its voterbase, and is putting ALL effort into courting the right voterbase. At LeAsT iTs NoT TrUmP!