• @[email protected]
    263 months ago

    No one who saw that debate was inspired by Biden, no one. Ok maybe 1 out of 100, maybe. But 99 of them were not. Gaslighting won’t help, the goose is cooked.

    • @[email protected]
      263 months ago

      It’s like you didn’t even read the article or what they said and are trying to pretend they said something else. Amazing that you would pull the term “gaslighting” out, it’s almost as if you know what you are doing.

      To reiterate he article, they were turned off by Trump’s lies and repeating the same things and avoiding the questions. None says they were inspired by Biden.

      • @[email protected]
        33 months ago

        Did you read the article? Here’s a quote:

        The clip shows a group of about a dozen people and one of them being interviewed by a journalist.

        So you think this can be applied broadly to undecided voter sentiment in general?

      • @[email protected]
        -23 months ago

        Lol did you? It literally cites a single voter and a poll showing Trump trending better among Latinos than previous electoral performances for that demographic. Nothing in this article actually warranted the headline and meta polls show Trump still ahead. Delusion will only hand us another 4 years of Trump

        • @[email protected]
          03 months ago

          You fighting to sow discord against the only viable alternative is working to get Trump, pointing out that regular people found reason to prefer his responses over Trump and highlighting what they are is useful in helping people highlight the many advantages of Biden.

          Yes he’s not as energetic as a lunatic, probably because he’s a sensible human that’s been working hard on his lifelong goal of improving the society he lives in and pushing through sensible and practical reforms that actually help real people and put the nation on track to deal with the many challenges it faces going forward.

          • @[email protected]
            13 months ago

            So nice job of not addressing the fact that you didn’t read the article and nothing I said indicated that I’m trying to sow discord. I will vote for Biden and argue that others should as well

            But pretending that the debate helped that cause is worthless. We are losing and pretending we are not doesn’t help. Stop fighting with people pointing out reality and be more vocal on why to vote for Biden.

          • @[email protected]
            13 months ago

            Criticizing Biden right now is not “working to get Trump”. Biden could easily step down and get behind an alternative candidate. These things aren’t black and white when we’re still like 4-5 months out from the election.

    • @[email protected]
      203 months ago

      I supported Biden before the debate, I support him now after the debate. But now it’s more of a “Ah fuck, look at this mess I’m going to be voting for, ah fuck what the fuck America aaaaaaah.” Than it was before.

      • @[email protected]
        143 months ago

        Do you feel like it’s a mess now? I’m not voting for Biden because i think he is a good debater, I’m voting for him because hes done a perfectly fine job as president during some tough times. He’s smart enough to let the systems that have held together for decades continue to function and to take advice from experts.

        Trump wants to dismantle the government and fill it with trump loyalists, which adds even more incentive to make sure Biden wins.

    • @[email protected]
      143 months ago

      Trump’s lies were more obvious than normal. So there’s that, I guess.

      Maybe they just related to someone having trouble keeping up with a yelling idiot liar?

      • @[email protected]
        -33 months ago

        His lies seemed more artful and effortless to me, and he stayed calm and lucid the entire time.

        • @[email protected]
          83 months ago

          I’ll agree, but he was at the same time more bold, like saying everyone wanted to overturn Roe v Wade. Confident and competent lying can get you far, but if you lie about how the people watching would feel, you undermine all your other lying.

          There are few things more maddening than claiming you know how someone feels more than they themselves do. A very credible liar can be undone if they lie that well on a matter the audience personally knows better. Suddenly all the benefit of the doubt purchased by the confidence is erased.

          • @[email protected]
            -53 months ago

            Make all the throwaway jokes you want but a low information voter would probably perceive him the way I described and wouldn’t catch the lies. Trump may be older than in 2016/2020 but he appeared present and even reassuring to uninformed or on-the-fence previous Trump supporter eyes.

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago

              Yeah that’s what propaganda does. I could absolutely see that MAGA and uninformed people would fall for this tripe.

              BIDEN: I supported Roe v. Wade, which had three trimesters.

              First time is between a woman and a doctor. Second time is between a doctor and an extreme situation. A third time is between the doctor – I mean, it’d be between the woman and the state.

              The idea that the politicians – that the founders wanted the politicians to be the ones making decisions about a woman’s health is ridiculous. That’s the last – no politician should be making that decision. A doctor should be making those decisions. That’s how it should be run. That’s what you’re going to do.

              And if I’m elected, I’m going to restore Roe v. Wade.

              TRUMP: So that means he can take the life of the baby in the ninth month and even after birth, because some states, Democrat-run, take it after birth. Again, the governor – former governor of Virginia: put the baby down, then we decide what to do with it.

              So he’s in – he’s willing to, as we say, rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month and kill the baby.

              Nobody wants that to happen. Democrat or Republican, nobody wants it to happen.

              • @[email protected]
                03 months ago

                I think a big part of the problem is Biden is a good politician, he’s generally honest and forthright which is what everyone claims to want.

                But we’re all so lost in marvel movie logic and cinema tropes that people don’t respond to it, they just want a showman - meanwhile politics is boiled down to robot voice tiktoks and reddit posts that barely scratch the headline so again people don’t respond to reality they need a hyper targeted exaggeration coated in catchy idealism and easily retweetable slogans.

                Biden says exactly the right things, minis the sort of speech error we all make occasionally, and his record backs up his ability to actually get things done - often in a way that doesn’t draw massive attention but incrementally makes things better.

                Trump is a liar and an actual idiot, like genuinely stupid and uninformed - but he says anything that will sound good at the time so it makes it seem to people that aren’t paying attention or follow complex arguments that he’s the one who’ll get things done

    • @[email protected]
      133 months ago

      Agreed. How about the other guy? Was anybody inspired by him?

      I’m really sad that it’s come to this. It’s how I feel when my coworkers vote to go out to a sushi restaurant. I don’t like fish and I’m allergic to shellfish, so I eat my pile of steamed rice and bite my tongue when they want to split the bill equally.

      What was I talking about again?

      • @[email protected]
        63 months ago

        I was thinking the debate rules actually saved Trump from his worst impulses. Biden was allowed to speak at full length and Trump gets to appear like he can participate in a civilized conversation while Biden would sometimes go off the rails while trying to fill his time. A lot of his embarrassments started in a decent place, but pivoted badly in the middle.

        Trump confidently lied repeatedly without consequences, and so long as someone is unaware that it’s lies, I could imagine them finding Trump’s rhetoric credible that night.

        • @[email protected]
          13 months ago

          You have a very interesting point about the muted mics actually being in Trump’s favor while simultaneously allowing Biden to ramble like Grandpa Simpson.

    • @[email protected]
      123 months ago

      I learned absolutely nothing new from the debate. Trump is a habitual liar and Biden is a doddering old man. Out of our two wonderful choices I’ll be voting Democrat but I still wouldn’t trust either of them to drive a car I’m in let alone run the country.

    • @[email protected]
      13 months ago

      No, but Trump blatantly lying about everything, and refusing to admit that he was convicted possibly did turn some “undecided” voters away from him. This election isn’t so much voting for Biden, as it is against Trump. Or for Trump for the idiots that vote for the felon.

    • @[email protected]
      13 months ago

      Perhaps, but I think there’s a lot of people overstating the impact Biden’s performance will have on the end result.

      November is a long way off. There’s plenty of time for either party to fuck things up.

      Trump’s legal stuff still has a way to run between now and November which I think will have a far bigger impact.

    • @[email protected]
      13 months ago

      The problem is the only people saying this are people who have been saying the same things for the whole time and are desperate for it to ve true so it’s hard to believe them, it’s not coming from my friends that weren’t yelling about Biden every excuse they got.

      It’s like thuderfoots recent starliner stream, he predicted it would fail and spent the whole time saying ‘oh shit, here it goes… looks like it’s going to explode…’ even when both bits were returned safely he was calling the spaceX staff morons for celebrating because he was so desperate to be right.

      People wanted Biden to fail because then they could push their brand of politics but he’s doing great based on actual metrics, so they try to make him fail using opion and tone setting behavior - the exact way Trump beat Hillary, memed that she was bad until no one went to vote.

      • @[email protected]
        13 months ago

        What? I wanted Biden to succeed. And he wasn’t doing good in the metrics, his approval ratings were bad, being other dems who are way ahead of him in polls. He was tied with Trump, which is insane given how bad of a candidate Trump is. Most all voters (65% I think) thought he was too old before the debate and wanted another choice.

        What will they think now?