• Stern
    1284 months ago

    “So guys getting blown up in trenches in Ukraine by drones? Ha, totally not age-restricted,” the creator said. “ Me firing a 3D printed pink glock that I made? Age-restricted. We don’t need kids watching that. We want kids watching people getting blown up by mines. Love it. Awesome.”

    Guys missing the corpo bottom line.

    Gun manufacturers have gotten sued by families of school shooting victims. Youtube runs the risk of getting dragged into court because little Billy sees the 3D printed pink glock, decides that he can make that, that its time to fuck up some bullies, and then after that those bullies parents shoot lawyers in every direction (which includes Youtube, even if the odds of getting anything are minimal) like mushroom spores. That risk assessment doesn’t exist for Ukraine war vids.

    • @[email protected]
      244 months ago

      More generally “gun control” is never about controlling the cops, military, MIC, etc. There’s bi-partisan support for the state maintaining its monopoly on violence.

      • @[email protected]
        44 months ago

        Of course the state wants to maintain its monopoly on violence. That’s what states do.

      • @[email protected]
        -24 months ago

        There’s bi-partisan support for the state maintaining its monopoly on violence.

        as if this is a bad thing.

        oh, sorry, were you still dreaming of starting a civil war with you widdle rifles against, I DUNNO, ARMOR DIVISIONS AND AIR FORCES AND CHEMICAL BIOLOGICAL AND NUCLEAR WEAPONS?

        because that seems pitifully stupid.

        • @[email protected]
          24 months ago

          It is if that’s how you think about it. But over time the thinking behind that has changed. Because these types of people are.in our military and they think most military members think like them. By proxy that means they’d be on the side of the “militia”.

          • @[email protected]
            04 months ago

            By proxy that means they’d be on the side of the “militia”.

            Nope. Regardless of your delusions of boogaloo, those people serving in the mil TOOK A FUCKING OATH.

            It probably doesn’t mean shit to you, I mean, obviously, but it should matter to them. They voluntarily took an oath to defend the constitution of the US against all enemies foreign and domestic. I know, I took that oath, and no one said “oh but if you want civil war there’s an exception” - because there isn’t.

            Traitorous fucks will happen, and they’ll face the consequences.

            • @[email protected]
              24 months ago

              I was in the military. I took the oath. What I’m saying is, if you don’t think there are MAGAT idiots in the military (a lot of them), please understand they did a threat assessment of military members while Donald Trump was running for President the first time, and decided to make a military wide training specifically to educate us about that oath and remind us who what we took it to defend. So yes. I absolutely do know some people who are all for militia fighting the government who are still military members.

              • @[email protected]
                -14 months ago

                Traitorous fucks will happen, and they’ll face the consequences.

                then you’re violating your oath by aiding them. AND YOU ARE AIDING THEM BY NOT TURNING THEM IN IF THEY’RE ACTUAL SEDITIOUS GARBAGE.

                Why are you aiding seditious garbage? I thought you took your oath seriously.

                • @[email protected]
                  14 months ago

                  I don’t think you understand just how prevalent this situation is, or just what they would need to do for me to “turn them in” for basically being on the wrong side of the political fence. For one, you’re assuming the person or persons in charge doesn’t feel the same way (chain of command isn’t the kind of thing you just skip because some of them happen to be suspect). Second, they actually have to do something against the UCMJ for me to “turn them in”. Thinking that the government should be overthrown in the event that it over steps is constitutional. Thinking you could overturn a free and legal public election is not constitutional, but it’s also not against the rules.

                  You can’t turn people in for thinking. Only for acting. You’re kind of coming off as a troll and I’m done with you following me through the thread.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -14 months ago

                    Thinking that the government should be overthrown in the event that it over steps is constitutional. Thinking you could overturn a free and legal public election is not constitutional,

                    preparing for and accelerating the boogaloo is not.

                    get your head on straight. done with this convo.

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      Yeah billy should be build IEDs not 3d printed guns. That’ll make kids safer. /s

      Honestly, why can’t we put half the effort we do censoring the world into teaching kids/people the sanctity of human life. There was a time where the US was had strong pacifist culture but almost every house had gun, but I think we didn’t do a good job transitioning from religious to secular values in that way.

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        Yeah billy should be build IUDs not 3d printed guns

        I see the /s but…The Ukraine war videos don’t show how to build IEDs, though. And even if they did, who would the parents sue? Ukraine, a nation at war? As opposed to 3D printed guns show you how to make them, and you could try to sue the gun company who it belongs to. And YouTube in both cases.

        we didn’t do a good job transitioning from religious to secular values in that way.

        A lot of religions were founded on and/or expanded by violence (Pilgrims to America, Knights Templar, Spanish Inquisition, etc), so I don’t remotely think “religious to secular” is the reason.

        • @[email protected]
          24 months ago

          Oh yeah no doubt religion isn’t a solid basis for morality. More so just saying that we are niehlist, new ageist, more than holding something like humanist values now.

          A lot of the 3d printed gun video content is more like reviews because YouTube already censor creation content.

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        Yeah billy should be build IUDs not 3d printed guns.

        lol what the fuck?

        Inter uterine devices are implanted birth control you fucking moron.

        You probably meant IED, Improvised Explosive Device, but are too simple to understand acronyms have meanings.

        Honestly, why can’t we put half the effort we do censoring the world

        if you put half your effort into reading and comprehension you’d probably engage all four brain cells.

        • @[email protected]
          44 months ago

          They have a logical point though. On the Ukranian war videos side we know that the news has to blur certain things for public decency or safety etc.

          On the 3D printing side we know that while these videos are definitely educational, the point is that such an education can be used in a very horrible way.

          IUD might be how their phone’s keyboard corrected, or they might have just swapped the acronyms. It’s more important that you knew what he meant and I think you’re dismissing it out of hand.

          When the internet first became popular there was a whole thing about kids having access to the materials to make a bomb with instructions. Took some bookstores down with them. Anarchist cookbook moral panic everywhere.So yeah this has been a thing for a long time.

          • @[email protected]
            -14 months ago

            pfft, I think you’re giving them way more credit than they deserve. I really want them to homebrew IUD’s lol, they’re gonna need them when their states outlaw abortion.

            • @[email protected]
              34 months ago

              I mean I am unironically I am for people making medicine and medical devices at home if they have no other option (the four thieves vinegar collective is the best group I know for this, with diy abortion cards being one their products).

              • @[email protected]
                04 months ago

                I mean I am unironically I am for people making medicine and medical devices at home if they have no other option

                yeah I’m of the mind that we should keep civilization chugging so people don’t have to homebrew penicillin. you do you. but don’t put your IEDs where your IUDs should go.

        • @[email protected]
          24 months ago

          Lol yeah I doubt IUDs are being talked about much on the war reports. Its been a heck of a week for me, so that’s my excuse for the typo.

          • @[email protected]
            -14 months ago

            communication hinges upon clarity and if you don’t know which words to use, or don’t use them correctly, you can’t blame the receiver for wondering WTF

    • @[email protected]
      -124 months ago

      that its time to fuck up some bullies, and then after that those bullies parents shoot lawyers in every direction

      Frankly in such a situation not such instructions, and not even Billy’s parents should be held primarily responsible, but bullies’ parents.

      Would reduce the amount of such cases quite a lot, not even talking about more healthy childhood for every human useful for civilization (bullies usually grow into pretty average types).

      • @[email protected]
        -24 months ago

        Frankly in such a situation not such instructions, and not even Billy’s parents should be held primarily responsible, but bullies’ parents.

        so if someone murdered you, by your logic they should get off if they say you were bullying them, thereby transferring the blame to your parents?

        Y’all need to stop huffing gasoline.

        • @[email protected]
          24 months ago

          Yes, if you abuse someone morally and then they kill you, it’s their right.

          transferring the blame to your parents?

          Parents answer for their underage children.

          If they say

          No, if I did. Which is what they’ll say and what’ll be proven in court of law.

          • @[email protected]
            -24 months ago


            you’re deranged, you know that, right?

            the murderer is the murderer. now, there may be factors involved that drove the person to murder, but they don’t justify the murder. And they certainly don’t get to blame the MURDER VICTIM, or their parents, for murder.

            but I can see you’re really fixated on this logic, please, don’t let the people who bully you drive you to murdering someone, even if, apparently, you’ve put A LOT OF THOUGHT into this entire chain of events.

            No one’s going to give a fuck who bullied you once you start shooting mate.

            • @[email protected]
              24 months ago

              No one’s going to give a fuck who bullied you once you start shooting mate.

              Once I start shooting I wouldn’t care who thinks what, no?

              now, there may be factors involved that drove the person to murder, but they don’t justify the murder. And they certainly don’t get to blame the MURDER VICTIM, or their parents, for murder.

              A bully is not a victim and gets what’s coming to them. Same as killing in self-defense.

              Anyway, the mechanism I’ve described improves humanity, because bullies want to bully and don’t want to die, whether their victim then goes to jail or not.

              A dead person or a person in jail doesn’t poison the society, neither does someone who killed another in self-defense or under mental duress consciously inflicted by that person. A bully who is not dead and not in jail does poison it quite a lot.

              • @[email protected]
                04 months ago

                A bully is not a victim and gets what’s coming to them. Same as killing in self-defense.

                So like, Kyle Rittenhouse, you’re just gonna open up on your perceived bullies and then expect right wing politicians to save you?

                • @[email protected]
                  24 months ago

                  This comment doesn’t make any sense. Also would you compare a woman’s self-defense against sexual assault, for example, to Kyle Rittenhouse’s case?

                  • @[email protected]
                    04 months ago

                    you’re talking with glee about opening up on your supposed bullies, Kyle. Gonna block you now, hopefully I won’t get a call from the FBI one day.