The new standards require American automakers to increase fuel economy so that, across their product lines, their passenger vehicles would average 65 miles per gallon by 2031, up from 48.7 miles today. The average mileage for light trucks, including pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles, would have to reach 45 miles per gallon, up from 35.1 miles per gallon. Selling electric vehicles and hybrids would help bring up the average mileage per gallon across their product lines.

    • ExFed
      24 months ago

      Isn’t all non-quantitative language just… A Series Of Poor Choices? 😉

      Love the name, BTW

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      Ok then let’s make the point more concrete ….

      • the headline claims a 4t EV truck was too heavy for current guardrail standards. Ok, but the important part is the 4t, regardless whether it is EV
      • my EV is 2t. Sure, the battery added a lot of weight over what a similar ICE car would have, but it’s far less impact than the existence of so many giant trucks that are so much heavier. Current guardrail standards are plenty to stop my SUV, despite it being EV
      • current guardrail standards are enough to stop most EVs, except for a couple excessive models that are also excessive in size, poor efficiency, poor design. Even for a large EV pickup, most models weight well under 4t