The original post: /r/photography by /u/8UYITS on 2024-05-16 16:14:58.

Hello everyone,

Photography is my biggest passion, and after some events, I have now the time and dedication to commit totally into learning, improving and live from it (it is my goal).

But I would love to get your help, tips, learn about your experience, things to avoid, or things that you wish you knew.

I also have some questions, and I know that answer will be very differents from person to person, and by every categories of photography (I am sorry if I choose the wrong word, but by categories i mean thing like for exemple, animal photography, landscape photography, macrophotography or weeding photography)

1- as a photographer, what are your principals activity, and may you describe how goes a day or week at works?

2- do you work alone, or with a team, have this change at some point or do you consider to change this, and what are the benefit of each side according to you?

3- what are your work schedules now, and when you began?

4- what do you like the most and what is the most interesting thing with this work?

5- and the opposite, is there something that you dislike, want or wish you can change?

6- how did you start photography, was it a passion you had from childhood like me, or something you develop later, a hobby you had alongside another work then commit entirely to it?

7- did you had some contact, knew another photographer, get help and tips from them, or did you manage to learn only or mainly by yourself, with book, internet or by just practicing?

8- according to you, which skills or knowledges are mandatory, or recommanded to have to be a photographer?

9- how much time it take from starting to be able to live from photography? And is there something that you regret of doing or in contrary, are very happy and proud of doing?

I am thankfull if you have read through all of this, and even more thankfull if you answer to the questions.

I thank you in advance for you help!