Today's Document • Rejection of the Proposed Child Labor...
todaysdocument.tumblr.comRejection of the Proposed Child Labor Constitutional Amendment by the State Legislature of Missouri
Record Group 46: Records of the U.S. SenateSeries: Committee Papers of the Committee on the JudiciaryFile Unit: Petitions and Memorials, Resolutions of State Legislatures, and Related Documents, which were Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary from the 68th Congress
Jefferson City, Missouri
January 13, 1925
Hon. Seldon P. Spencer,
House of Representatives,
Washington, D.C.
Dear Sir:
I am instructed by the House of Representatives of
the State of Missouri that the following resolutions
have been adopted:
WHEREAS: The Congress of the United States has sub-
mitted to the several States for ratification and
amendment to the Constitution of the United States,
giving Congress the power to regulate the labor of
all persons under eighteen years of age, and
WHEREAS: This House, though opposed to the commer-
cialization of childhood, believes that this should
be prevented without undue infringment[sic] on the rights
of the State or the individual rights of the people,
WHEREAS: The regulation of child labor by Congress
under proposed amendment would mean an additional army
of bureaucrats, acting as snooping agents, invading
our homes, therefore be it
RESOLVED: That it is the sense of this House that
this amendment should be rejected; that the Congress
of the United States should offer an amendment that
will give the Congress of the United States the un-
questioned rights to forbid the entry of any product
into the interstate or foreign commerce that has been
produced through or by the commercialization of child
labor, and be it further
RESOLVED: That a copy of this resolution be forwarded
to the Senators and Representatives in Congress from
Chief Clerk WM Funbette
Per Assistant
The original post: /r/100yearsago by /u/DyersvilleStLambert on 2025-01-13 19:12:56.
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