The original post: /r/amitheasshole by /u/Infinite_List_850 on 2024-09-29 15:40:09.

I (21M) don’t speak to my family which is my parents (mom and dad) and older brother (by almost 8 years). My fiancée’s family knows this but they had mentioned how great it would be for them to meet. They told me it was probably going to do good for them to see me doing well and I had told them they did not want me to do good in life. My fiancée spoke to her parents and explained things better than me. Which we thought had put an end to this fantasy.

But last weekend when we showed up to their house for dinner, we realized we were wrong because 10 minutes after we got there, my parents showed up. Questions were asked about my brother (who was also invited) and my parents bluntly said he didn’t want to come. I didn’t wait around for more and I left, my wife following me after saying something to them, which turned out to be a very firm warning to not reach out.

They had a miserable time. My parents showed their true colors. My fiancée’s parents believe me but are pissed I left. They said I shouldn’t have stormed out like I did.

For those who need context on my family: When my brother was 5 he was diagnosed with a kidney problem. Something that could cause a cancer “in time” but a cancer diagnosis soon followed. He needed a new kidney and he needed bone marrow/stem cells. My parents ended up talking to a doctor who told them they could have a perfect match child through IVF. They proceeded with this which is how I came into the world. Only the doctor was a fraud and I wasn’t a match even in blood type. My parents were distraught. They hated me for being born wrong. For not turning out like they had planned. But my brother got what he needed through other donors. Even though he went into remission and got his condition under control, they never forgave me. My brother never cared about me either. He said I had been a waste of their money. I was treated like some random child dropped on the doorstep. Worse even. No gifts, no support, no love, no affection. You name it. They told me I deserved to have a shitty life for “what I had done”. When I was 16 they sent me away to be a part of a program that got me out of their hair and allowed me to focus on getting a good job because they were never going to help me with college (even signing papers). It cost them nothing and meant I moved so they agreed. We had no contact since.