The original post: /r/amitheasshole by /u/Helpful-Thoughtful on 2024-09-29 14:26:22.

Last night, my partner had some childhood friends over for a get-together, and she mentioned that everyone would bring food. I ordered a meal in advance for her family, thinking some could be shared with her friends too. When they arrived, no one brought any food, and some had small kids with them. We ended up sharing what I brought.

Two of her friends later went to get chips and drinks, but I noticed there wasn’t enough for everyone, especially the kids. So, I ordered pizza online, thinking it would be better than nothing. One of her friends even mentioned that she assumed I’d be ordering food since her kid would be eating rice.

I also learned that one friend brings in only $13 a week, another is out of work, and the third just returned from working in the Middle East and doesn’t make much. Meanwhile, my partner and I combined make $10,000 a month. I thought sharing would be considerate, especially since I was meeting some of them for the first time. I’m all about being thoughtful and often offer to share or pitch in.

When I got home, my partner called me “controlling” and said I shouldn’t have ordered anything. I’m confused because I only wanted to ensure there was enough food for everyone. Why do I look like the bad person here?

AITA for trying to help by ordering food?