The original post: /r/amitheasshole by /u/Kitchen_Nail8283 on 2024-09-29 11:09:05.

I (36M) have been married to my wife (37F) for 15 years now. My wife absolutely loves the SNL Totino’s sketches; and by love I mean: watches them at least twice a month, and dies laughing every time. She’s weird, but I love her.

So, during quarantine, I got into 3D printing, and my wife even got me my own 3D printer for Christmas 2020. In 2021, before football season started, I got the idea of making her her own Totino’s Super Bowl Activity Pack (it’s from the sketches), and she absolutely loved it, couldn’t stop talking about it even months later. And because of that, I always make her a new one every year.

This year, my brother finally proposed to his long term girlfriend (late 20s), and they moved closer to us, so we invited them to watch the first game of the season with us. They were there when I gave my wife her activity pack of the year, and I said (verbatim BTW): I was going to give you a different Totino’s experience this year, but arranging a life changing lesbian experience with my friend’s hot sister was a bit hard to swing; so, here’s another activity pack to pass the time while we watch the game.

It was a joke, it was very obviously a joke, she laughed so hard she had tears in her eyes, until my SIL went and ruined the mood. She got upset about me: infantilising my wife, oversexualising lesbian relationships, being a misogynistic prick… it was a long rant, that’s what I remember off the top of my head.

We were all surprised and shocked, my wife looked at me, I looked back, then we both turned to my brother. He was just standing there not knowing what to do. And here’s where I might be the AH. instead of just explaining that it is an inside joke, offering to show the source material of said joke, or just deescalating; I went and said: You must be really fun in parties, it’s a joke, and the person that was meant to get it (pointing at my wife) seems to like it, so what’s your problem?

She doubled down, my brother finally unfroze and showed her the videos, but she still said that she stood by what she said.

So I just asked her to leave, and told her that I don’t want a jealous stick in the mud to ruin a funny tradition I have with my wife.

She left in a huff, my brother followed her, and now both of them, as well as my parents are asking me to apologise for my comments and saying that I behaved like an AH. so AITA?