The original post: /r/amitheasshole by /u/Tricky-Charge-4000 on 2024-09-29 09:53:46.

My sister (27F) like many siblings occasionally digs for a hurtful thing to say to me (25F) when she is pissed, embarrassed or just feeling spiteful. Her recent ‘dig’ has been to make sarcastic comments implying I would be a shitty mom and that my (future, hypothetical kids) would suffer having me as a mom. Most of the time I just ignore it. This is often in response to me not catering sufficiently to her anxiety (Everybody in my family suffers from some kind of anxiety or depression. As a result I feel that my parents especially tend to coddle - my mom will still book appointments for my sister because she doesn’t like making phone calls, my dad will talk to waitstaff on her behalf, etc. I used to have a very similar level of anxiety to my sister but since moving out/getting into adult relationships/having a job this has greatly improved. My sister has never held a job for more than a few months (and it has been years since her last job) because of her anxiety. She lives at home with our parents.

Today we were travelling together as a family and the two of us went out to get some snacks at a supermarket. She abruptly got extremely edgy and wanted to leave immediately (because of her anxiety, she won’t go anywhere alone, so this meant I had to leave immediately). I refused because from what I could tell the thing that was making her anxious was simply two men who spoke a foreign language existing sort of near her. They were not interacting with her in anyway - not looking at her, not in her space, nothing, just chatting to each other and buying some groceries. I checked out my stuff at a normal pace and she made a snarky comment about how she hopes I don’t have children because I clearly wouldn’t give a shit about their safety. I said, verbatim: “I know you say stuff like that because you think it hurts me, but why on earth would you think that I want to enable my kids like the way our parents have enabled you? I don’t want them to turn out anything like you.” She got incredibly upset and burst into tears, and I got scolded by our parents and other siblings for being cruel when she was already scared and upset. I did not apologize and she has not apologized to me.

AITA? I feel like I was just being honest in response to something clearly meant to hurt and upset me.