Holy title, Batman!

  • @[email protected]
    129 months ago

    WTF? He tasted one “for science”! While I understand there wasn’t any other way to know… What if it Hay been a poisonous mixture? I suppose he’d tested it before against common poisons! Still, wow!

    • Flying Squid
      69 months ago

      Of course he knew it was safe before he tried it. He’s a scientist, not a daredevil.

      And I wish people would be less against eating insects. If they ate more insects for protein and less beef, we would have much less of a problem. Just using cricket flour for more protein in our American carb-heavy diets would be helpful. And no, you won’t be picking legs out of your teeth.

            • Flying Squid
              9 months ago

              Honestly, and I say this as someone who is both a vegetarian and someone who has eaten insects when he wasn’t- I really could not care less about the suffering of a cricket any more than I care about the suffering of a cockroach. I guess that’s where I draw my “if they suffer, I have to let it go” line. After all, there’s more and more evidence that plants can arguably experience suffering in their own way, such as grass putting out a scent warning when it’s getting cut. Is that grass, in its own way, feeling some sort of suffering? We don’t know at this time, but if we ever find out that is the case, a lot of people will have to draw a line there to just having to let that go.


  • toastboy79
    -159 months ago

    I stopped reading after the bullshit that is

    “amphetamine the drug called speed” No it isn’t you stupid dipshit, that’s methamphetamine fucking do a basic Wikipedia search you stupid fuck

      • toastboy79
        -149 months ago

        I suffer ADHD and Adderall (amphetamine) is a cure for alot of people who have it. Calling it the street name of an illicit drug makes treatment infinitely harder for other people who suffer it.

        While the treatment doesn’t work for me (high blood pressure and naturally easily agitated), if I don’t stand up and say ‘hey that ain’t fucking right!’ then I haven’t done a god damn thing to help my fellow ADHD kid and that don’t sit right with me.

        • @[email protected]
          179 months ago

          I have ADHD and I’m on stimulants so I agree calling it by the street name isn’t helpful, but it’s also not inaccurate.

          • toastboy79
            -59 months ago

            I maintain the only reason it has that street name is due to ignorance of the difference between Adderall and meth. Wasn’t too long ago I was listen to conspiracy theorists say it was the same thing based on some bullshit they heard.

            • @[email protected]
              129 months ago

              https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obetrol came before Adderall

              Obetrol was the brand name of a drug combining several amphetamine salts indicated for the treatment of exogenous obesity.

              The original formulation of amphetamine mixed salts that included methamphetamine was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on January 19, 1960, under the name Obetrol. Indicated for exogenous obesity,

              In 1970 the FDA issued an order requiring new drug applications for previously approved amphetamine products. The FDA was critical of combinations of amphetamines and non-amphetamines, but also considered amphetamine and methamphetamine mixtures a combination drug, and required the ingredients to be effective and safe individually and in combination. In September 1973 the FDA withdrew approval for Obetrol under the FDA Drug Efficacy Study Implementation program.

              Because FDA considered combinations of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine salt a single entity, Rexar simply reformulated Obetrol to exclude methamphetamine salts and continued to sell this new formulation under the same Obetrol brand name. This new unapproved formulation was later rebranded and sold as Adderall by Richwood after it acquired Rexar resulting in FDA warning in 1994. Richwood resubmitted this formulation as NDA 11-522 and Adderall gained FDA approval for the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder on February 13, 1996.

              There’s no meth in Adderall but this is where the confusion probably comes from.

          • toastboy79
            -89 months ago

            For those wondering what WIRED means, it means that for the effective time of the drug in our systems we don’t have 5 million conflicting thoughts in our heads and for the first time in our lives we can focus on a task, remember tiny details, not run into various obstacles, and a myriad of other tasks that people without ADHD have never struggled with.

            In short, for the 4 hours that pill is in our system and working, we can experience being fucking normal and not a gigantic mess struggling to juggle everything life needs from us.

            • TheRealKuni
              99 months ago

              My brother in ADHD, you need to chill the fuck out. You’re replying to someone who said Adderall makes people who DON’T have ADHD wired. They didn’t say anything about what it does for people with ADHD.

              You aren’t being persecuted here. No one is calling you a speed addict because you take Adderall. But denying that amphetamines existed before Adderall and that amphetamine is included in the broad street name “speed” is silly. Take the L, stop obsessing on this one. Just let it go.

              (Now, if your ADHD behaves like mine, just be glad this conversation didn’t happen in person. Because I’d have it intrusively replaying in my head for the rest of my life in your shoes if it happened in person.)

      • toastboy79
        -189 months ago

        I suffer ADHD and Adderall (amphetamine) is a cure for alot of people who have it. Calling it the street name of an illicit drug makes treatment infinitely harder for other people who suffer it.

        While the treatment doesn’t work for me (high blood pressure and naturally easily agitated), if I don’t stand up and say ‘hey that ain’t fucking right!’ then I haven’t done a god damn thing to help my fellow ADHD kid and that don’t sit right with me.

    • @[email protected]
      199 months ago

      Speed is colloquial for both, altho I would argue it more commonly refers to vanilla racemic amphetamine (levo and dextro 50/50)

      • toastboy79
        -209 months ago

        An ignorance of chemistry and science is nothing to be proud of, it’s how we end up with a group of religious dipshits forcing their beliefs on people and restricting people’s reproductive rights. Try opening a book instead of the TV next time, maybe you’ll learn something.

        • @[email protected]
          139 months ago

          Arrogance and misplaced rage aren’t anything to be proud of, either.

          Your argument is pretty much a slippery slope argument, which is how we get things like people trying to ban gay marriage.