• @[email protected]
    09 months ago

    There has to be an unending vigilance, not just a fight because fights end. Older generations fought for workers rights with unions and their kids lazily let it slide away. The rich never stop taking because all they have to do hire people to lobby, lawyer, and manipulate for their ends. Workers have to continually push to take and keep their piece of the pie. Governments can make laws and rules to protect workers but those can be changed or weakened without vigilance. A good government official can help and their successor strip it away. Workers only strength is together. Collective action is the way but it’s a perpetual action.

  • Yggstyle
    9 months ago


    Not all are good and there’s an argument to be made that they shouldn’t be necessary but: unions are the working man’s militia. Capitalism will continue to squeeze the life out of workers until it becomes unprofitable to do so. Our lawmakers are owned by the corporations so expecting change from on high is akin to wishing on a star.

    These are companies are posting record profits year over year while producing less for more… while taking more for less. This needs to change or those companies need to die.